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As a single mom attending college, I found that I did not have much time for my daughter when I was struggling over my Algebra homework. I tried algebra help books, which only made me more confused. I considered a tutor, but they were just simply to expensive. The Algebrator software was far less expensive, and walked me through each problem step by step. Thank you for creating a great product.
Laura Keller, MD
I work as a Chemist in the biotech industry and found that no matter how I tried to help my daughter there just seemed to be too many years between our maths. Shes having difficulty with her algebra. A colleague suggested your product and he was right. Its given my daughter a sense of pride that she can now do all her homework on her own. Thanks.
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As a single mom attending college, I found that I did not have much time for my daughter when I was struggling over my Algebra homework. I tried algebra help books, which only made me more confused. I considered a tutor, but they were just simply to expensive. The Algebrator software was far less expensive, and walked me through each problem step by step. Thank you for creating a great product.
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