Our users:
The Algebrator was very helpful, it helped me get back on track and bring back my skills for my next school season. The program shows step by step solutions which made learning easier. I think this would be very helpful to anyone just starting to learn algebra, or even if they already know it, it would sharpen their skills.
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If you are having trouble with complicated algebra equations I have two words for you: the Algebrator! Try it, I guarantee you will see results in your mathematical performance. It helped me and my friends pass our tough freshman math class.
Christy Roberts, TN
I just bought your program. I purchased the Personal Algebra Tutor (PAT) and I am really disappointed with it. Reasons: 1) if the computer crashes, you have to email them for a password (where I live, on a mountain with high winds, we get alot of power outages) as well as lightning strikes; 2) they said that the problems could be typed in and a solution would be provided. Half of the math problems I have had, do not work with their program; 3) they say to email them the questions and they will provide the solutions, but it can take up to 24 hours, and sometimes that is too long to wait for an answer. To show proof of my confirmed purchase of the PAT program, I have attached a copy of the receipt that they sent to me.
Gwen Ferber, TN
Congratulations & Thanks for this wonderful piece of software. It is both challenging and fun.
Dan Jadden, CO
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