Our users:
Your program so far has been great. I purchased this software for my 13 yr. old daughter who is having some problems in math. We have a tutor coming over to the house and between your software and him she got her first "A" in a very hard chapter test. As you might know sometimes when you see a different approach on a problem or sometimes just someone else showing you different ways to understand the problem that is all it takes. Your software seems to give this problem solving approach in a way that is easy to understand. Thanks again, the whole Turley family.
R.G., Hawaii
My 12-year-old son, Jay has been using the program for a few months now. His fraction skills are getting better by the day. Thanks so much!
Trevor Smith, OK
I just bought your program. I purchased the Personal Algebra Tutor (PAT) and I am really disappointed with it. Reasons: 1) if the computer crashes, you have to email them for a password (where I live, on a mountain with high winds, we get alot of power outages) as well as lightning strikes; 2) they said that the problems could be typed in and a solution would be provided. Half of the math problems I have had, do not work with their program; 3) they say to email them the questions and they will provide the solutions, but it can take up to 24 hours, and sometimes that is too long to wait for an answer. To show proof of my confirmed purchase of the PAT program, I have attached a copy of the receipt that they sent to me.
M.H., Georgia
My son was in a major car wreak and was homebound for several months. I feared that he would fall behind in his classes. His math teacher recommended Algebrator, which literally took him through each problem step by step. Once my son was able to return to school, he had a better understanding of math then before he left. I would recommend this software to anyone!
Dale Morrisey, Fl
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