Our users:
I bought "The Algebrator" for my daughter to help her with her 10th Grade Advanced Algebra class. Like most kids, she was getting impatient with the evolution of equations (quadratic in particular) and making mistakes in her arithmetic. I very much like the step-by-step display of your product. I think it got my daughter a better grade in the past semester.
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The new version is sooo cool! This is a really great tool will have to tell the other parents about it... No more scratching my head trying to help the kids when I get home from work after a long day, especially when the old brain is starting to turn to mush after a 10 hour day.
Maria Leblanc
One of my students brought in a program called Algebrator. At first I thought it would be a great tool to help all my students who were struggling. When I researched further, I figured out that it also helps me prepare a lesson in half the time.
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Allen Donland, GA
I was so proud when my son decided to take algebra honors, but I was disheartened when I realized that I could not help him with his homework. I had not taken algebra since high school, and simply did not remember how to complete some of the projects. Algebrator allowed us to go through each step together. Thank you for making a program that allows me to help my son!
Sharon Brightwell, WA
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